The BCA Tracker 4 just took it up a notch, with a rubberised overmolded case, larger LED display and the same Tracker interface that basically makes it impossible not to find your companion.
Weighing just 215 g, The BCA Tracker 4 is the new "workhorse" with a robust, attractive industrial design.BCA’s goal was to make the tracker 4, tracker 3 and tracker S the same size as a modern smartphone.
The Tracker 4 offers signal suppression and big picture modes for no-nonsense multiple-victim searching.
In the case of a secondary avalanche, a motion-sensing auto revert-to-transmit mode has been added to the Tracker 4.
Bluetooth upgradeable software and electronics performance testing for fleet management.
The BCA DTS Tracker 4 is part of the BCA T4 Rescue Package, which includes the transceiver, B-1 EXT Shovel and Stealth 270 Probe.
Technical Specifications
The BCA Tracker 4 just took it up a notch, with a rubberised overmolded case, larger LED display and the same Tracker interface that basically makes it impossible not to find your companion.
Weighing just 215 g, The BCA Tracker 4 is the new "workhorse" with a robust, attractive industrial design.BCA’s goal was to make the tracker 4, tracker 3 and tracker S the same size as a modern smartphone.
The Tracker 4 offers signal suppression and big picture modes for no-nonsense multiple-victim searching.
In the case of a secondary avalanche, a motion-sensing auto revert-to-transmit mode has been added to the Tracker 4.
Bluetooth upgradeable software and electronics performance testing for fleet management.
The BCA DTS Tracker 4 is part of the BCA T4 Rescue Package, which includes the transceiver, B-1 EXT Shovel and Stealth 270 Probe.